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Stellenbosch University Courses And Requirements 2024/2025

Stellenbosch University Courses And Requirements 2024/2025

Stellenbosch University Courses And Requirements 2024/2025

Because Stellenbosch University receives more applications than available spots for each year, it is critical to limit the number, hence the requirement. As a result, even if you meet the program’s minimum admission requirements, you are not guaranteed admission to the program of your choice. Prospective applicants should be aware that the University’s programs are selection programs, and applicants are chosen under the faculty selection guidelines, which are available on the official website.

Primary or Minimum university admission requirements for the academic year 2024/2025

The following criteria must be met in order for you to be accepted into your chosen program:

  • For admission to bachelor’s degree studies, you must have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or an Independent Examinations Board (IEB) school-leaving certificate certified by Umalusi.
  • Except for School of Tomorrow matriculants and applicants to the Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University does not require National Benchmark Tests (NBTs) for admission to programs in 2023/2024.
  • Applicants for programs in the Faculty of Law must submit the NBTs for their program choice by July 31 to be considered for selection.
  • Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences applicants must take the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) by July 31.

Applicants from other countries

The Admission Office, in collaboration with Stellenbosch University International, will evaluate the academic record of applicants who apply with an international examination qualification.

List of Courses offered at Stellenbosch University and their admission requirements

Stellenbosch University provides a diverse range of courses that use cutting-edge technology and teaching techniques. These are:

BAgric in Agribusiness Management (3 years)

  • Admission Requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
    • Mathematics 60%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 50%
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
    • Mathematics 50% OR
    • Mathematical Literacy 60%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry)
    • 50% OR Life Sciences 50% OR Agricultural Sciences 50%
  • Available courses
    • Animal Production
    • Cellar Management
    • Cellar Technology
    • Extension and Animal Production
    • Extension and Plant Production
    • Plant Production
    • Plant and Animal Production
  • BScAgric in Agricultural Economics (4 years)
    • Agricultural Economic Analysis
    • Agricultural Economic Analysis and Management
    • Agricultural Economic Analysis and Management with Food Science
    • Agricultural Economics with Food Science

BSc in Conservation Ecology (4 years)

  • Admission Requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
    • Mathematics 60%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 50%
    • Mathematics 60%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 50%
    • See the higher requirement below for the field of Soil and Water Management
  • Fields of study
    • Crop Production Systems
    • Crop Production Systems with Agronomy, Agricultural Economics and Animal Science
    • Crop Protection and Breeding
    • Soil and Water Management

BSc in Forestry (Forestry and Wood  Sciences) (BScFor) (4 years)

  • Admission Requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
    • See additional requirements for each field of study
  • Fields of study
  • Forestry and Natural Resources Sciences
    • Mathematics 60%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 50%
  • Wood and Wood Products Sciences
    • Mathematics 70%
    • Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 60%

Bachelor of Data Science (BDatSci) (4 years)

  • Admission Requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 80% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • Mathematics 80%
    • Afrikaans Home Language 60% or
    • English Home Language 60% or
    • Afrikaans First Additional Language 75% or
    • English as First Additional Language 75%
  • Field of study
    • Statistical Genetics

BCom (Economic Sciences) (3 years)

  • Admission Requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 65% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • Mathematics 60%
    • English Home Language 50% OR Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR Afrikaans First
    • Additional Language 60% OR English First
    • Additional Language 60%
  • Field of Study
    • Econometrics
    • Economic and Management Consultation
    • Financial Sector
    • Transport Economics

Extended Degree Programme (EDP) for BCom (Management Sciences) (4 years)

  • This program requires an additional year of study. If your results do not meet the requirements of the mainstream program but do meet the requirements of this program, you may be admitted to the EDP. Only candidates from low socioeconomic and educational backgrounds will be considered for the limited space in the EDP.

Diploma in Sustainable Development (3 years)

Admission Requirements

Students are selected on academic merit and a written motivation that applicants complete as part of the departmental application form. At most, 30 students are selected. The language of instruction is English.

  • An NSC aggregate of at least 55% (excluding Life Orientation)
  • English Home Language 50% OR English First Additional Language 60%

Available courses

  • Agricultural Economics
  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Financial Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Human Resource Management
  • Information Systems Management
  • Investment Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Public and Development Management

BCom (Mathematical Sciences) (3 years)

  • Admission Requirements
    • An NSC aggregate of at least 70% (excluding Life Orientation)
    • Mathematics 75%
    • English Home Language 50% OR Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR Afrikaans First Additional Language 60% OR English First Additional Language 60%
  • Available courses
    • Data Science
    • Financial Risk Management
    • Operations Research

BCom (International Business) (4 years)

A limited number of students are selected by means of a special selection process. The third year includes an international exchange semester. The language of instruction is English.

Admission Requirement

  • An NSC aggregate of at least 80% (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 70%
  • English Home Language 70% OR English First Additional Language 80%
  • Any Additional Language 70%

Bachelor of Data Science (BDatSci) (4 years)

This is an interfaculty programme.

  • Admission Requirements
    • An aggregate of at least 80% (This aggregate is based on your six best subjects, excluding Life Orientation.)
    • Mathematics 80%
    • Home Language 60%
    • If English is not the home language, English First Additional Language 75%
  • Available programme
    • Analytics and Optimisation
    • Behavioural Economics
    • Statistical Learning

BCom (Financial Accounting) (3 years)

Admission Requirements

To obtain an internationally recognized professional qualification as a chartered certified accountant, you have to pass the examinations of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA, London).

  • An NSC aggregate of at least 65% (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 60%
  • English Home Language 50% OR Afrikaans Home Language 50% OR Afrikaans First
  • Additional Language 60% OR English First
  • Additional Language 60%

BA in Humanities# (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 40%

If you take Socio-Informatics as a university subject, then also:

  • Mathematics 50% OR Mathematical Literacy 70%

BA in Drama and Theatre Studies (3 years)

  • An NSC aggregate of at least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 50%

BA in Human Resource Management # (3 years)

  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 40%
  • Mathematics 50% OR Mathematical Literacy 70%

BA in Development and the Environment# (3 years)

  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 40%

BA in Language and Culture# (3 years)

  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 40%

BA in International Studies# (3 years)

  • English Home Language 50% OR
  • English First Additional Language 60%

BA in Music (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An NSC aggregate of at least 60% (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 40%
  • In the main instrument (or in singing) at least a practical standard in classical music equivalent to the Grade VII examination and theoretical knowledge equivalent to any of the examining bodies’ Grade V theory examination
  • Candidates must be available for an audition and theoretical test at the Department of Music in Stellenbosch, where they must

BA in Political, Philosophical and Economic Studies (PPE) (3 years)

Admission Requirement

  • Home Language 50%
  • First Additional Language 40%
  • Mathematics 60%

Minimum admission requirements for BEd

An aggregate of at least 60% for the NSC, IEB or an equivalent school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation)

  • Mathematics 40% OR Mathematical Literacy 60%


Learners who were taught in English:

  • English Home Language 60%
  • Afrikaans OR isiXhosa (Home Language or First
  • Additional Language) 50%


Learners who were taught in Afrikaans:

  • Afrikaans Home Language 60%
  • English OR isiXhosa (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%


Learners who were taught in isiXhosa:

  • IsiXhosa Home Language 60%
  • English OR Afrikaans (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%


Minimum admission requirements for the four-year BEng programmes

  • An NSC aggregate of at least 70% (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 70%
  • Physical Sciences 60%
  • English Home Language 50%, with no Afrikaans requirement, OR English First Additional Language 60%, with no Afrikaans requirement, OR English First Additional Language 50% with Afrikaans Home Language
    50% OR English First Additional Language 50%
    with Afrikaans as Second Additional Language

  • Applicants are also subject to selection according to the selection criteria
  • Field of Focus
    • BEng (Chemical) (4 years)
    • BEng (Civil) (4 years)
    • BEng (Electrical and Electronic) (4 years)
    • BEng (Electrical and Electronic) (Data
    • Engineering) (4 years)
    • BEng (Industrial) (4 years)
    • BEng (Mechanical) (4 years)
    • BEng (Mechatronic) (4 years)

Faculty Of Law

LLB (four-year)

Write the NBTs AQL before 31 July

  • An aggregate of at least 70% (excluding Life Orientation) in the NSC or IEB school-leaving certificate
  • English or Afrikaans Home Language 60% OR
  • Afrikaans or English First Additional Language 70%

If you wish to take Economics at a university subject, then also:

  • Mathematics 60%

LLB (three-year)

Admission Requirements

Postgraduate as a second bachelor’s degree.

  • Any bachelor’s degree from a South African university
  • An aggregate of at least 60% in the final year

Faculty Of Medicine And Health Sciences

The following are courses offered under the faculty

BSc in Dietetics (4 years)

Admission Requirement

  • Write the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) by 31 July
  • An aggregate of at least 50% for the NSC or an equivalent qualification (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Life Sciences 50%

Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery (4 years)

Admission Requirements

  • Write the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) by 31 July
  • An aggregate of at least 50% for the NSC or an equivalent qualification (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 40% OR Mathematical Literacy 70%
  • Life Sciences 50%

Bachelor of Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy (4 years)

Admission Requirements

  • Write the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) by31 July
  • An aggregate of at least 60% for the NSC or an equivalent qualification (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Physical Sciences OR Life Sciences 50%
  • At least TWO of the following THREE languages (Home Language or First Additional Language) 60%: English AND/OR Afrikaans AND/OR a third South African language

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (4 years)

Admission Requirements

  • Write the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) by 31 July
  • An aggregate of at least 50% for the NSC or an equivalent qualification (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 40%
  • Life Sciences 50%

BSc in Physiotherapy (4 years)

Admission Requirements

  • Write the Situational Judgement Test (SJT) by 31 July
  • An aggregate of at least 60% for the NSC or an equivalent qualification (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Life Sciences 50%

Faculty Of Science

Available courses with their respective requirements:

BSc in Biodiversity and Ecology (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 60% or 70% (depending on your choice of subjects

BSc in Human Life Sciences (3 years)

Available courses

  • Biology
  • Biology with Psychology

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 60% or 70% (depending on your choice of subjects – see note on the left)

BSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (3 years)

List of course combinations

  • General Computer Science
  • Computer Systems
  • Data Science
  • Computer Science with Genetics as a second major subject
  • Computer Science with Geographic Information Technology as the second major subject

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 60% or 70% (depending on your choice of subjects

BSc in Sports Science (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 60%

BSc in Mathematical Sciences (3 years)

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Mathematics 70%

If you take Chemistry or Physics as a compulsory or elective university subject:

  • Physical Sciences 50%

BSc in Chemistry (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 70%

BSc in Earth Science (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 60% or 70% (depending on your choice of subjects

BSc in Computer Science (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Mathematics 70%
    If you take Chemistry or Physics as a compulsory or
    elective university subject:
    • Physical Sciences 50%
    • Mathematics 60% or 70% (depending on your choice of subjects.

BSc in Physics (3 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 65% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Afrikaans OR English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 50%
  • Physical Sciences 50%
  • Mathematics 70%

Bachelor of Data Science (BDatSci) (4 years)

Admission Requirements

  • An aggregate of at least 80% for the NSC (excluding Life Orientation)
  • Mathematics 80%

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